Tuesday, January 18, 2011

::17 Jan 2011::

Web Development Process

To build a good website, the website development may happen in 3 phases:
a. Planning
b. Constructing
c. Testing

As we look, maybe the 3 phases is differ from the ADDIE model. But it just the same. ADDIE model consist of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation & Evaluation.

All the process also can be divided into:
Pre-production (Planning)
The phase of  preparation work of all production details. Everything needed to be done before we begin to produce content and page of the website. This the phase where we have to analysis or plan;

  • AUDIENCE - Who is the target audience? What are characteristics of this audience? (student, etc.)
  • PURPOSE - What is the purpose of the website?
  • SIZE - How big will the Web site be? Larger sites cost more money;
  • INTERACTIVE - Will your Web site offer interactive features to visitors? Can visitors send email, order a product or request information? How can the site give the feedback?
  • TIME - Time consuming to develop the website
  • CONTENT - Scope of content cover for the website
Production (Constructing/Development)
These are the stages and activities involved in production phase:

  • Develop the content
  • Scripting/Programming
  • Assembling the pages
  • Testing/checking the website
  • Finalizing usability
Post-production (Testing)
This phase where any activity that occurs after the development of the website.

  • Implementing
  • Publishing

Web Development Team

Here article that can be share together:

Monday, January 10, 2011

::10 Jan 2011::

According to the weekly schedule, we will learn about "Basic Concept of Websites" (Introduction to website and its relation with educational field, Exposure to website use in education and learning and also types of website)

As for begin of our class today, we had a presentation for our "homework" last week :) Its about choosing any website that we like and present it to the class about the advantage & disadvantage of the website and discussion on what we should do & don't when develop a website..

So, this is my website that i choose - http://www.creative-chemistry.org.uk/
This website is about chemistry learning.. Beside teaching & learning note for teacher and student, this website provide activity like games and simple experiment that can attracted student to learn and know about chemistry..

After 3 to 4 presentation, we learn about Learning Theory.. This is what I've prepared for the class today :)

There are common Learning Theory that we heard like:
Behaviorism: Based on observable changes in behavior. Behaviorism focuses on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.

Cognitivism: Based on the thought process behind the behavior. Changes in behavior are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner's mind.

Constructivism: Based on the premise that we all construct our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences and schema. Constructivism focuses on preparing the learner to problem solve in ambiguous situations.

Multiple Intelligences (H. Gardner)The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that there are a number of distinct forms of intelligence that each individual possesses in varying degrees. Gardner proposes seven primary forms: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, intrapersonal (e.g., insight, metacognition) and interpersonal (e.g., social skills).

Then, we learn about ID Model.. So, what is ID Model?

Instructional Design is defined “as a systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion” (Reiser & Dempsey, 2007)

Instructional Design also know as instructional systems design, is the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of instruction.

Example of ID Model are: ADDIE Model, Hannafin & Peck Model, Dick & Carey Model, Waterfall Model, ASSURE and etc... Here is the link that i would like to share: http://www.instructionaldesign.org/
This website provide information about instructional design principles and how its relate to teaching and learning.

As for exercise & flashback, we are given a task where we have to arrange the proper steps in constructing a website.. Here the task..

At the end of our class, we are given our 1st assignment (individual assignment) that should be submit through E-learning another 2 week.. So, start do it!!! :)

MPT 1393 - Web-based Multimedia Development

In this course, we will be exposed with some state of the art communication technology tools, which is internet and how it can be used efficiently in teaching and learning. Here, we will have our chance to develop an interactive teaching & learning webpage or portal using programming skills that have been learned before. We also have an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the webpage that has been developed, using several testing and evaluation techniques. ( ^ _ ^ )

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

::3 Jan 2011::

Kelas pertama untuk 2010/2011 2.... Jumpa dengan lect yang sama = Dr J :) Kenapa ckp "sama"? hehehe... Hanya sy & Dr J je tau...

Comment about this class.. Interesting coz dapat lect yg "interesting" tp Dr ok.. Terharu lepas perjumpaan ptg tu :) Azam sem ni: lulus subjek nih, hehehe...

Hope kelas2 seterusnya akan lebih menarik dan untuk sy sendiri... bersungguh-sungguh melaksanakan semua tugas yang diberikan :)